Sehr gute Erklärung der Blutdruckmessung

Published on Jul 22, 2014

Einer von vielen Lehrinhalten von AMBOSS – dem Lernsystem, Kreuzprogramm und Nachschlagewerk für Mediziner.

In diesem Lehrvideo wird die Technik zur korrekten Messung des arteriellen Blutdruckes mit Blutdruckmanschette und Stethoskop am Arm erklärt (Messung nach Riva-Rocci). Neben der praktischen Durchführung dieser wichtigen klinischen Untersuchung werden auch die physiologischen Grundlagen der Blutdruckmessung, sowie die Entstehung der Korotkow-Geräusche erklärt. Das Untersuchungsvideo dient als Anleitung zum Erlernen der korrekten Messtechnik und somit der erfolgreichen Diagnose von Pathologien des Blutdruckes, wie z.B. einer arteriellen Hypertonie oder einer Aortenisthmusstenose.

Jetzt weitere Inhalte ansehen und das Lernprogramm kostenlos testen auf

AMBOSS ist das ultimative Lernsystem, Kreuzprogramm und Nachschlagewerk von Medizinern für Mediziner. Für Studium, PJ, Hammerexamen (inkl. Kreuzen aller IMPP-Fragen) und die Assistenzarztzeit. 98% der Medizinstudenten würden AMBOSS weiterempfehlen.

Der Horizont ist immer gerade | Der Wasserspiegel ist immer gerade | Flache Erde Beitrag 11

Danke Freddie, dass du den Mut hattest „für eine Stunde alles zu vergessen, was du in der Schule gelernt hast“, so deine Aussage 🙂 Dieses Video zeigt weitere unwiderlegbare Aspekte der Flachen Erde auf, für alle die es wagen ganz NEU zu denken!

FLAT EARTH – The Nazis of NASA and the Infinite Plane

Published on May 1, 2015

History, as we know it is full of lies perpetrated upon us by the „Global“ Elite. NASA was founded by NAZI scientists who were supplanted into our culture after WWII. Our world isn’t a globe, but rather an infinite plane, beset on all sides by an ice wall, known as the Antarctic.


Borrowed Clips from Math Boylan, Eric Dubay and Bart Sibrel.


Flat Earth in 15 Minutes or Less Natural observations and logical extraploations.

Published on Sep 5, 2015

My take on the FLAT EARTH model, based on the evidence I have at this time. I don’t have the ability to travel to the southern or northern-most regions of the world, so much of what lies beyond the unknown has only ever been a false picture in our minds, and the 1950’s antarctic treaty intends for it to remain as such.

Our curious, exploratory nature as humans has been capped-off by the globe earth, as well as any other enclosed system designed to keep us here on a prison for the mind. I cannot prove that the infinite plane model is correct, and plenty of people disagree with me, however it only makes sense in terms of motive. I simpply do not see the world military powers going to such great lengths to simply hide the world’s flatness… Doesn’t make any sense if we go to the edge and fall into space.. Very similar to the globe earth model in that sense, as there’s no escape. I hypothesize that if we travel beyond the outer-most ring of the world, we’ll go through our protective electromagnetic barrier, and find more land beyond the superficial boundary.

I stand to be correct on this at any time, and my opinion could change on that tomorrow. But the evidence has led me to being a flat earther, with a tendency towads the plane being infinite, and space being FINITE in a sense that it is not an ever-expanding void full of galaxies spreading out from the big bang. The big bang is impossible in light of the flat earth, so we must start from scratch with any model of our world..



Published on Aug 19, 2015

A VERY SHORT video to explain how I can remain a Christian, and still subscribe to the infinite plane model, and disagree with the firmament being a „dome in the sky“ (necessarily).

A very special thanks goes out to Art Bell and the producers of his show for FALSELY slapping a „copyright strike“ onto my previous remix of the debate which I appeared on their show to enact on 8/5/15… They claim to somehow OWN MY VOICE, and were able to successfully abuse Youtube’s automated copyright protection system in order to demerrit my youtube account.

Until that is resolved my videos must be done in under 15 minutes… This actually makes putting them together, renderring and uploading much easier, although it can be difficult to cover every base in 15 minutes or less.

God bless you all –
