Saheikes Recherche 08.04.2017

Larry Wilkerson on Syria: False Flag to Cover Trump’s Ass


Trump Lied: Fmr. Ambassador Peter Ford Busts False Flag Gas Attack


WHO widerspricht westlicher Darstellung von Giftgas-Autopsie der Idlib-Opfer


Onkel Benjamins Nachtrag

Trump missile attack on Syria is a sign of Khazarian mafia desperation


„They took the babies out of the incubators…“ Same lies

Exclusive: David Icke Analyses Donald Trump’s Missile Attack On Syria.


Israel Wants World War III—Now


Maria Magdalena – der Blueprint im Zeitalter der Macht der Frau 


Machen False Flags immer noch Geschichte? Vorgeschobener Vorwand als politischer Stil


Dritter Weltkrieg: Trump zahlt den Rothschilds seine Schulden zurück


Listen To The Warmongering & Lies Peddled By The BBC That Led Up To Trump Bombing Syria!


Karen Hudes Text 1


Germany: Police violently attack car crash victim for smoking cigarette


Syria Gas Attack Fake! Geraldo Admits It! Stew Webb, Tom Heneghan (4-5-17)


Syrian Conflict – What The Elites Are Hiding


The Merovingian Bloodline: One of the 13 Satanic Bloodlines that Rule the World
