Bild der Woche 30

Burkas-nicht-bei uns

Max Igan: “Straight from the Terrorist Horses Mouth. A Manifesto for the Planned Ethnic Cleansing Of the Gaza Strip. . . make this post viral

Multikulti Agenda – alles von langer Hand geplant!!!!

Danke Martha, jetzt dürfen es alle wissen 🙂

The Globalist Multicultural Migration Agenda

by Zen Gardner

This plan has been in the works for a long time, but for some reason they’re kicking it up several serious notches of late, flooding the US borders while continuing to inject European countries with any immigrants they can from a variety of cultures.



The Globalist Created ‚Humanitarian‘ Immigration Crisis: Why This Is Happening Now

Owen jones BBC Question Time (Gaza) – unbedingt anhören bitte!!!!

Danke Martha!!!