Die Luft ist nicht länger neutral – Chemtrail Wolken mit Nano Computer Partikeln – SMART DUST

Danke Saheike!

Chemtrail Wolken mit Nano Computer Partikeln (Smart Dust)

Published on Mar 1, 2017

Chemtrails to Pseudo-Life The Dark Agenda of Synthetic Biology http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QtZUC6… Anmerkung:HAARP wurde erst 1990 konzipiert Weitere interessante Informationen finden Sie auf: http://www.chemtrail.de/
Published on Oct 9, 2013

Chemtrails to Pseudo-Life The Dark Agenda of Synthetic Biology
Anmerkung:HAARP wurde erst 1990 konzipiert
Weitere interessante Informationen finden Sie auf: http://www.chemtrail.de/

Inzwischen wissen wir allerdings das Contrails fast immer auch Chemtrails sind: https://saubererhimmel.wordpress.com/2015/05/06/die-kondensstreifenluge-999-aller-streifen-hinter-flugzeugen-sind-chemtrails-gifitige-aerosole/

From Chemtrails to Pseudo-Life The Dark Agenda of Synthetic Biology (FULL LENGTH VIDEO)

Published on Apr 4, 2013


As the natural world dies around us, what will take its place? Planetary engineering includes bioremediation measures to bring us genetically engineered trees and crops. And what of humans themselves? How are we being transformed from the inside out?

Presented at Conspiracy Con 2011, this 1 hour power point presentation by Sofia Smallstorm introduces primary and scientific findings hidden in the muffles of mainstream alternative media.

People around the world are observing aerosol spraying (also called „chemtrials“) and strange man-made clouds. White skies filter sunlight as trees around the country sicken and die. Soil and water tests high for heavy metals, and artificial fibres fall on us from the sky.

Is aerosol spraying only about experimenting with weather? What do the self-replicating fibres found in Morgellons patients signify? Why are engineered materials being found in airborne environmental samples?

All this suggests a planetary engineering program that is affecting and targeting all living things. Synthetic biology is science’s most exciting new frontier, combining genetics, robotics and nano-technology with artificial intelligence, hybridizing natural forms and engineering tissues beyond our wildest dreams. The technology explosion is skyrocketing, and artificial intelligence will soon surpass our own capabilities.

How will our world be organized then? WIll we turn ourselves over to machines? Or will we have become technological hybrids ourselves?

BUY THE DVD AT http://www.AvatarProducts.com or MAKE A BIG DONATION at http://www.AboutTheSky.com

Also check out:

Consciousness Beyond Chemtrails – Sofia Smallstorm – Chemtrails to Pseudo-Life Part #2

Alberto García

Am 09.12.2017 veröffentlicht

From Chemtrails to Pseudo-Life PART 2 – gelöscht

Published on Jan 23, 2013

Order your copy of this DVD at http://www.AvatarProducts.com today!

Filmed at the Consciousness Beyond Chemtrails Conference in August of 2012, Sofia Smallstorm connects the dots between the modern radiation era and the creation of synthetic biology.

LOOK UP! Chemical Attack Over Glasgow! Geo-Engineering in Motion! – gelöscht

Geoengineering, Weather Modification, Stratospheric Aerosols (Chemtrails)

Published on Apr 23, 2016

Geoengineering, Weather Modification, Stratospheric Aerosols, Chemtrails – Undeniable and Verifiable
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8 Kommentare

  1. 720p Milchbauer Milch wurde durch moderne F tterung zu Gift gemacht YouTube


  2. lothar harold schulte

     /  13. Juni 2015

    Hat dies auf lotharhschulte rebloggt.


  3. http://www.veteranstoday.com/2015/06/12/williams-gladio/


    Manchmal komme ich mir vor wie eine gestopfte Weihnachtsgans, wenn ich sehe und lese, was für “Brocken” die uns in den Hals stopfen, die wir glauben sollen ohne Beweise.


  4. mindcontrol2017

     /  15. Januar 2019

    Hat dies auf mindcontrol2017 rebloggt.


  1. Die Luft ist nicht länger neutral – Chemtrail Wolken mit Nano Computer Partikeln | Wissenschaft3000 ~ science3000 | Willibald66's Blog/Website-Marketing/Verbraucherberatung

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